Interview with Liz

What led you to become an emotional therapist, specialising in fertility?

Liz Walton, pregnant after not being able to conceive for many yearsMy fertility journey lasted for 10 years. We underwent 6 rounds of IVF and spent around £30k trying to have a baby. Three years after admitting defeat, I fell pregnant naturally and had a child at the age of 46.

This first-hand experience of determination mixed with despair (and a hundred other emotions!) led me to specialise in the area of fertility, so I can help women in a similar situation.

You can read more about my story here.

Who do you help?

I help women who struggle to get pregnant or stay pregnant, and those who feel it’s time to let go – but are not sure how.

I also offer emotional therapy and healing for people struggling with other areas of life, who need a hand to reach a place of calm.

How do you differ from other therapists?

My own personal journey has given me a real insight and understanding into the emotional issues associated with the fertility process. And with 25 years’ experience in the therapy business, I can help my clients overcome whichever blockages are holding them back.

Have there been any major turning points in your life that you now help clients with?

Yes, many!

  • When I first saw a counsellor in my late 20s (after cancelling the previous 5 appointments!). It was the first time I’d ever spoken about the abuse I’d suffered as a child, and the impact of those counselling sessions was huge.
  • When we’d spent 18 months trying for a baby, and I knew something wasn’t working. This was the start of a long and emotional journey to work out how to heal myself.
  • When my sister-in- law announced her pregnancy after we’d been trying for around 6 years. I realised it was finally time to let go.
  • When my 12-week scan revealed such uncertainty, and I had to go really deep inside myself to be able to deal with everything.
  • When my mother died and I had to pack up everything I knew from my past so I could fully create my own future. At each step I had to be willing and ready to change. And I also had to bless the hard times – even when they tore me apart – as they were inevitably a catalyst for me to move on.

What insights did the healing process give you that you now pass on to your

I learnt that when I was truly ready to search inside myself, to go to painful places that I’d have rather left behind, I could absolutely transform my life. By changing my patterns and behaviour, I’ve created a life of freedom and happiness, health in mind and body, and peace in my heart.

How has your own journey changed you as a person? Can it work for your

Yes. I’ve seen it work for my clients. You become the best version of yourself. Because of my healing process, I’m an all-round better person, wife and mother. And I’m so lucky that I can dedicate myself to helping people make similar changes so they have a smoother journey. I love what I do and if I can spread some of that love and help others, it’s just the best feeling.

What type of person do you work best with?

People who are ready, willing and able to move forward and make lasting changes.

What happens in a session with you?

I’m a multi-disciplinary therapist, so have various tools and methods to help clients see results. We all have the same innate wisdom inside us to heal and grow, but some people respond better to different techniques. Once I find out more about a client’s story, I can work out the best approach, which might include hypnotherapy, EFT tapping, matrix birth reprinting and journey techniques.

Does it really work?

So far I’ve had 100% success rate. I can’t guarantee that a client will have a baby at the end of the process. But I can promise they will experience a huge change in mindset that will bring peace of mind and happiness.

What do I need to do to prepare?

We start with an initial consultation to run through your own story and background, and that lets me work out the best way to help. All I need from you is a willingness to look deeply inside yourself and create the changes you want.

How quickly can I expect results?

That’s a difficult question! Babies don’t always work to our preferred schedule and this is such a personal experience. My previous clients have seen results within a few months to 2 years.

You can read more about my own story here or give me a call to see how I can help you.

Fertility coaching packages and my approach

Please look at my fertility coaching packages to see the ways in which we can work together or find out more about my approach.